Friday, June 17, 2011

So it begins......

So today was the day that Mark left...we really enjoyed this week together. Mark and Conner got to enjoy seeing a 3D movie together and we all went to dinner and dessert last night. Our countdown begins, about 23 days till he returns. Conner will have a hard time with him gone, especially since Mark is normally home sooo much, but I know he will be fine and the time will pass quickly :) Only about nine days till one of his favorite Aunts comes to stay for 10 days!!! We can't wait to have Nicole here! Then the other favorite Aunt, Kayla, comes for a few more days!!! The Mark will be back, so it's not to bad with all the fun visitors. That's all for now, wish me luck as I'm here with this silly 6 1/2 year old, and please pray that these next 9 days fly by with ease :) I will try and post again either Tuesday evening or Wednesday and report about how my doctor appointments go on Tuesday. Hopefully this little guy is head down, but not ready to come out yet :/

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