Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More updates.... Our rollercoaster...

So today we had another doctor's appointment, and it was determined that nothing has changed. Which is not really good or bad, just the same. There is still no fluid being kept in, yet her heartbeat remains good.
I'm obviously not feeling so hot these days, on top of being tired all day I am extremely uncomfortable. Due to the fact that there is no comfy little sack for Kloe to move and roll about in, it is causing some minor pain. My tummy is really hard all the time and whenever she moves it's killer!
We meet with another specialist on Friday and have some more things done (I'm getting really used to being poked around, which is crazy cause I've never even been able to give blood before). There are many options we are being given trying to keep her healthy and hopefully inside me for as long as possible. It' all just a matter of whether or not these will work. I am still at VERY high risk for going into labor and infection, so we are monitored closely. We are staying hopeful that something will work, but also realistically knowing that there is slim chance that even if she stayed in a little bit longer she would most likely not be able to live breathing on her own.
We will share more as we know and try and keep everyone filled in as much as we are wanting to share at the moment.
Thank you for all the prayers and sweet comments from those friends and family we know and those we don't. They are a great encouragement for all three of us!
P.S. Conner is doing amazing! I feel like Mark and I are doing really great considering everything, but Conner is definitely the strongest. He very much gets whats going on for the moment and is very at peace with it. :)

1 comment:

Erin Rae Fleming said...

Praying for a miracle for y'all & thinking about you so much. You sound so strong despite all of this. We miss y'all and would love to plan something whenever you can or help out in any way you need. Love you. -The Flemings of Marietta