Saturday, March 20, 2010

Field Trip~

This last Wednesday we got to go on Conner first field trip to Papa John's and
make pizza!

Conner and Maggie getting ready to take the tour~

Conner caught the flying dough, lol
It was a brand new store, so everything was super clean,
and they were so great with the kids letting them make whatever they wanted.

Conner and Jackson in the cheese only line

waiting at the end of the oven for their pizza's to come out...

Conner saucing his pizza

Some cheese...

Then we got to take them all back to school to eat them.
These are the four boys ready to eat their slices. They each got to make their own small.
And for those who are wondering what Conner ate...he ate four slices of cheese pizza!
Yep you read it right!!! He is now a cheese pizza eater!

This was last night after having friends over then playing some tennis with Mark and I.
He took a shower and was beat, so he was reading the kittens some stories.
(The funny thing is is that the both actual listen when he's reading), sooo cute :)
(click to enlarge)


Unknown said...

Yahoo...cheese pizza...I am so impressed. Must take more field trips...yea for Conner!

the pfaffs said...

Go Conner! Way to branch out :) So funny because most kids LOVE pizza. Cute pictures :)