Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So Here is a Giant Posting! A lot of Pictures for you guys-

So here is our trip across the Country-
This is the first day.

First Stop-
Justin, Kayla and Lucy's House

Lucy and Bean's

Conner's favorite part of the Hotels was
jumping from one bed to the other!

A little night Hot Tub-ing

Hanging in the Hotels

A little sick that day-

Conner and Elvis

We found a cool Dog Park on the side of the road
in the middle of Oklahoma (very cool)

Memphis again- sorry for the unorganized photos.

Stretching our legs

Check the blog often. I will try and post all of the pictures
I have been taking since we got here on Saturday!

1 comment:

the pfaff's said...

looks like a fun road trip! love the shot of con-man and elvis

-uncle J dawg