Saturday, January 23, 2010


So after much deliberation and talking with people and doing some homework online,
we decided to get another kitten! I know everyone thinks were crazy (maybe), but we are not getting anymore, promise. We really wanted Eva to have a playmate while we are not here. And also when we are here :) His name is Kelso and he is a Blue Russian mix, sooo beautiful!

He has the most amazing ice blue eyes (you might be able to click on the photos to enlarge them)

snuggling at home~

So precious at 6 weeks!
Eva is adjusting normal. I think she will love having a playmate once he gets a bit bigger, but he will definitely take some getting used to her :) Conner is doing a great job playing with her, and showing her that we still love her, he is also learning so much in the animal world.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the last week...

I thought this picture was cute, cause cute little Eva was sitting in front of the
doors watching the big cats eat outside :)

So when the frozen pipe cracked and the water was shooting up in the air it
was so cold outside that it instantly froze to a little tree...

I thought it looked pretty neat~

Here is Conner doing homework at the table with Mark
(notice the Mr. potato head glasses)

Eva was having so much fun sliding around in the little granola bar box on the floor :)

So here is right after the tooth removal, in the little tooth case they gave us.

the hole.... It's really not to noticeable unless he smiles extra big

the tooth pillow-

He was very excited to have it out of his mouth, and for the tooth fairy to take it away!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stay tuned...

Stay tuned for loose tooth pictures, and hopefully no tooth pictures.....
Might take a while for this first tooth to fall out :)


Mark holding Eva Kitty, who is getting so big :)

Conner's first Movie theater experience...

cuteness :)

Enjoying some hot cocoa on a super cold day walking around downtown Madison.


After a long day of moving Mark's parents things, the boys relaxing
and playing some XBox...

Our little weak snow,

Not very much, but enough to throw a ball or two before school :)